Early Pick Up and Transportation Changes
If you take your child out of school before dismissal time, you will need to report to the office to sign him/her out. Your child will stay in the classroom until you arrive. If it necessary for someone other than the parent/guardian to pick up your child, that person must be listed as an emergency contact in skyward or you must send a signed, dated note with the child. The person picking up your child is REQUIRED to show photo identification to the office staff. Accumulated time of early pick-ups is calculated by minutes in lost instruction time. Early check out of your child must be done prior to 2:15 pm. No student check outs will be allowed after 2:15pm.
Any changes in the normal transportation of your child must be stated in writing with a parent/guardian signature. We ask for everyone's help in not making changes frequently. However, we understand that in rare cases, unexpected changes will need to happen. These can be called in to the front office by 2:15 pm. We are not able to process changes after 2:15 pm. This includes parents that come to the campus without prior notice to pick up their child. Any change in transportation arrangements for any student requires a note to the teacher. Make sure you write your child's first and last name, teacher's name and indicate the date(s) for the change and how the child is going to go home. We ask that the parents not email the change since there maybe times that a teacher is not in attendance or does not have a chance to read their email.
Please note on early release days the latest you can pick up is 11:00 am!
Arrival & Dismissal
Our goal is to ensure a safe, orderly and efficient car rider pick-up system. Please be patient with staff and each other during the first week of arrival and dismissal.
We appreciate your cooperation!
Morning Drop Off procedures: Drop off your student(s) is at the front of the school ONLY this year and not earlier than 7:15 a.m.
After-school car pick-up is at the front of the school ONLY. For safety reasons, pull up to the first available airplane. Our goal is to load 9 cars at a time. The airplanes are numbered for organizational purposes only they do not represent grade levels.
To identify your children, place the hanging car pick-up sign in your front windshield at all times.
Write the grade level of the youngest child in the top box and the names of all children in the bottom box. Please print large and clearly in black marker.
Cars should remain in a SINGLE FILE line and refrain from passing another car. Give clearance to the yellow handicap accessible ramp located at the front of the building.
Transportation changes. Please notify the front office staff of any transportation changes as soon as possible with a written, signed, and dated note from home. The school phone line becomes very busy so if you need to make last minute changes plan accordingly. NO transportation changes may be made after 2:15 p.m.
Snack Time
Students are able to bring snacks from our approved snack list. Students may use any type of water bottle. Please note that if students bring an unapproved snack, they will lose the privilege of having snack.
Snack Guidelines and Reminders
· Each snack should be individually packed (from store or Ziploc bag)
· Do not send snacks containing nuts, “peanut dust”, or peanut oil;
please check all store-brought items for these ingredients.
· Send only the items listed below. Students who bring items not on the list, will not be allowed to eat them.
· Here is a list of approved snacks. Please note some are brand names and are used to identify snack type.
String cheese
Plain Cheerios
Fruit snacks (no rollups)
Banana chips, dried fruit
Cheese flavored crackers (no spreadable cheese crackers)
Teddy grahams
Granola bars (no nuts)
Apple slices (Pre-cut, no whole apples)
Carrot sticks (no dipping sauce)
Beef jerky